Since 2012, Leeman has been performing as HP Lovecraft for his web-series Ask Lovecraft. Reanimated from the dead, the grandfather of horror is back to answer questions, provide advice, and offer up what questionable wisdom he has to offer. The show is enjoyed around the world and Leeman has taken the show live and answered questions in person at conventions and venues such as the Toronto Fringe Festival, Jean Cocteau’s Cinema, the HP Lovecraft Film Festival, NecronomiCon, Cthulhucon, and many more.
Related Links
George RR Martin’s write up of my live show
My live show at George RR Martin’s Cinema
Interview for the Mortis podcast
Interview for Pressure Life magazine
Interview for Martian Migraine Press
Interview for Ghostwoods Books
Interview for Untitled Nerd Network
Interview for Our Strange World
Interview for Logan Speculative Fiction Group
Various interviews with horror writers
Discussing performing as Lovecraft for the Lovecraft ezine
Video interview for the Lovecraft eZine
Kenyon College reporting on my talk
Atlantic article referencing my show
Debate with Gandersnitch the Goblin at Con on the Cob 2019
Baby Got Bass parody music video
Play Me a Note – a film to which I contributed